Descendants of My Ancestors or any Dimes/Dymes with their Spouses and Siblings

If you are a Dimes or Dymes, descended from a Dimes or Dymes, or had a child or sibling who married a Dimes, this is the place for you. Over 2800 living people have been removed for privacy reasons but over 9350 remain for your viewing.
When records started the scholars who took records and early census spelled names phonetically so names were commonly spelled differently. Most Dimes' could not write until the 19th century so witnesses and marriage records often contained 'their mark', normally an X. Most Dimes in the 17th century lived in Guildford, Crondall or Norfolk. The Dimes from Guildford probably originated in Southampton in the 16th century, probably with French ancestors. The Dimes from Crondall may or may not be related to the Guildford Dimes. There is a project starting in 2017 to compare the DNA for descendants of both to estimate if they are related and if so how far back.
All information has been taken from public records or from contributers. Information from contributers cannot be verified.If you see where a correction is needed or you are offended by a contribution, please notify me and I will correct. If you wish to add additional information please contact me. If you would like to see the information about your immediate family please contact me. Hopefully these records and your additions will make it easier for future generations to learn about their ancestors.

If you are descended from anyone of these trees please join the DIMES FAMILY GROUP Facebook group to read and share information about DIMES or DYMES

There is also a Dimes Facebook where you will be welcomed if you are any way related to DIMES. Please send a Facebook friend request to robin dimes.

Table of Contents

bullet  Pedigree Chart for Living
bullet  Surname List
bullet  Index of Names

Contact Information

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Robin Dimes

Table of Contents | Surnames | Name List

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